Get To Know the Importance of Alcohol Detox and Alcohol Detox Treatment Options in Houston

What is Alcohol Detox?
Alcohol detox is the first and most important step in treating alcoholism. However, most individuals are afraid of seeking alcohol detox help due to the fear of experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.
Significance of Alcohol Detox.
As aforementioned, alcohol detox is the first step in alcohol addiction treatment. All traces of alcohol will be eliminated from your system at this point. Withdrawal symptoms may last longer than the customary 1-2 weeks after you begin to detox depending on the intensity of your AUD,
Long-term alcohol abuse causes physical dependence as the body becomes accustomed to the depressant effects of alcohol. Your brain will become chemically reliant on alcohol and cease making these chemicals on its own. This is the root cause of withdrawal symptoms, including body aches, mental confusion, and psychotic episodes. Alcohol affects both the body and the brain; hence, it is important to give yourself plenty of time to recover once you stop drinking.
Fear of the withdrawal symptoms encountered during alcohol detox is a major factor for some individuals who are reluctant to stop drinking. Some alcoholics may feel only a little discomfort while others may endure excruciating pain. Medical supervision during detox is recommended due to the rapid and severe fluctuation of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. A rehab center’s staff will assist you in finding effective pain relief by using various medications. You’ll be able to put your energy towards healing and becoming well as a result of this.
What is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS)?
AWS stands for the syndrome experienced by those who suddenly stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol abusers may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms on quitting. This is because their bodies had already become dependent on alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can cause a wide range of symptoms, including but not limited to the following:
• Insomnia
• Sweating.
• Tremors.
• Headaches.
• Tiredness.
• Anxiety.
• Mood outbursts.
• High blood pressure or heart rate.
• Seizures.
• Hallucinations.
Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment
Most treatments start with detoxification. It will aid you in getting over alcohol withdrawal, but it won’t target the underlying causes of your drinking. A variety of treatment options are available after completing alcohol detox. The most common methods are inpatient and outpatient therapy.
Inpatient Therapy.
Entails staying at a treatment facility all day and night for a specific period of time. Most inpatient therapies run for between 30-90 days. This option is often recommended for persons with severe alcohol addiction or ones experiencing moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient Therapy.
In outpatient care, patients are allowed to remain in their own homes while still participating in both scheduled group and individual therapy sessions regularly.
The effects of alcohol withdrawal are notoriously difficult to anticipate. As it stands, doctors cannot reliably anticipate which patients will develop life-threatening symptoms using screening and diagnostic techniques.
Inpatient supervision and treatment of withdrawal effects at an acute care clinic or detox-equipped treatment center are typically necessary for those undergoing moderate to extreme symptoms of alcohol withdrawal or who are at risk of suffering from moderate to severe symptoms (i.e., if you’ve had serious alcohol symptoms of withdrawal in the past).
Seek Help from Our Compassionate Staff of Experienced Addiction Specialists.
Are you ready to confront your alcoholism and attain long-term alcohol addiction recovery? Skyward Treatment Center in Houston, Texas, is ready to help you attain this goal. Contact Skyward Center right away for more information regarding addiction treatment.