All You Need to Know About Bitcoin Web Hosting

If you are looking for Bitcoin web hosting THC have that to offer. You can use Bitcoin for many reasons such as:
- Pay for web hosting;
- VPS hosting;
- Dedicated servers;
- Reseller hosting;
- Domain registration.
With this web hosting company, you will get a high-performance web hosting environment and privacy which will go hand in hand.
What you can get
You are able to buy cheap web hosting, with Linux or Windows VPS hosting, dedicated servers that are powerful, reseller hosting or register a domain – all using Bitcoins. It is easy and fast, just checkout with Bitpay.
With Bitcoin dedicated servers you will get:
- Full SSD hosting;
- Unmetered space;
- Bandwidth that is unmetered;
- cPanel with Softaculous;
- DDoS Protection;
- Daily backup;
You can get your bitcoin web hosting today, starting at only $1.95 a month.
What makes Bitcoin hosting so special
With Bitcoin hosting, you will:
- Stay anonymous;
- Anti-fraud system;
- No-hidden fees;
- DDoS protection.
Staying anonymous
This is protection for your identity as well as your financial information from hackers and others who are on the prowl. These Bitcoin hosting servers protect everything.
Anti-fraud system
All Bitcoin transactions are secured by cryptography that is military-grade which makes certain that you have a strong level of protection. This will also protect you from any type of fraud problems.
No hidden fees
With the use of Bitcoin as a method of payment you will eliminate any risk of charge-backs as well as any hidden fees.
DDoS Protection
Every Bitcoin web hosting plan comes with free advanced Anti-DDoS protection services which is another way to protect your information.
How does Bitcoin web hosting work?
By purchasing a web hosting plan using Bitcoin, it has never been this easy. You will only need to pick a hosting plan, or any other item, that meets what you need and checkout using “Bitpay” – which is the Bitcoin payment gateway that is the most trusted. You only need the Bitcoin address when making payment as well as a working email where you will can receiving any of your credentials as well as other information.
Are these payments really anonymous?
Of course, they are, when you buy Bitcoin web hosting you do not need to offer a bank account details, credit card, confirm your address or any other kind of ID. By using Bitcoin, it is even possible to make a purchase without revealing absolutely anything about your identity.